"What Really Happens when someone shots at you?"
This is what happened to me;
In Washington DC 1976 we were headed into a club when someone from our group made a bad comment to guy in front of us. Without emotion the guy pulled a 25 semi from his pocket, as the gun came up I pushed my FRIEND away and turned to run. The reports sounded like a cap gun, 4 or 5 rang out. Things happened so fast, we ran about 100 yards as our group split. My heart was pumping and I was breathing very hard when we stopped to look back. We started laughing til I felt wet on my hip and stinging. I got shoot. I couldn't believe it. I was young, fast and Bullet Proof! I dropped my pants to find a 1/2 inch tear in my hip right on the tip of my hip bone. At that time the wound started to throb like when you hit your shin really hard. This was bad, I got shoot, I still couldn't believe it. I went to the hosp. IV Blah, Blah... The x-ray showed no bullet!?! The Doc found a notch in my hip bone! He said the bullet entered, hit the bone and exited making the wound an oblong shape. To this day I have the small scar and notch in my hip bone. I look back on how a fun night out turned bad, Life threatening, in an instant. Things happen so fast and I was not ready for it, mostly cause I wasn't looking for it. Today I am very aware of what goes on around me. I was lucky then, I am smart now. At least now I can avoid and or have that second to react. Be safe Michael Hargis